Casamona’s Anniversary: One Year in Eixample Office - Blog and news

Casamona’s Anniversary: One Year in Eixample Office

Casamona’s Anniversary: One Year in Eixample Office 1 Casamona’s Anniversary: One Year in Eixample Office

Casamona’s Anniversary: One Year in Eixample Office

Real Estate imported From Denmark to Barceloneta

It’s Casamona’s anniversary! April being the beginning of spring and renewal, it is only fair to celebrate how the apple has grown. In fact, the 7th of April, Casamona celebrated its one-year shop opening in Eixample. The apple has come a long way from Denmark to the lively office by the beach. Now you can find us only two blocks away from Passeig de Gracia.

Both offices carry the Casamona feeling in different ways. In fact, being at Passeig de Joan de Borbo 28, Barceloneta means meeting the heart of it all, were all is created. Furthermore, this office gathers the administration, the marketing and all the agents, making it warm and dynamic.

Casamona’s Anniversary: One Year in Eixample Office 2 Casamona’s Anniversary: One Year in Eixample Office

Conquering Eixample

The office in Roger de Lluria 123, Eixample is something else. In fact, the idea born into the mind of Cecilia, one of our agents directly imported from Denmark. She aimed to create a tailor made Casamona experience. The attractive location, the refined furniture and the Catalan style were created from scratch thanks to her directives.

Since its opening, the office has been handled by Pia. She’s a Norwegian warrior who, after conquering the French market, has sailed south to settle in Barcelona. Discover an office with an elegant atmosphere, bright wall and Catalan tiles which are Casamona’s signature move.

Hence, being there is like being at home. Allowing us to take the time to talk around a cup coffee about what you really want. Due to its amazing location let people come in, having a break from their day walking in the city. Come and visit us! This office, now well implanted in Eixample, could be one step closer to home.


We will enjoy Casamona’s anniversary this week. If you want to see our properties for sale or for rent you can visit our website!

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