05 November, 2020
The past few months have seen many dramatic changes for us all here in Spain and working from home became and important topic. Rules and regulations at work have been a dramatic change. The government is currently advising you to work from home, with only 9 people allowed in one office, whilst also social distancing and wearing a mask. These new rules have caused an abrupt change in many people’s lives. It can be difficult to know how to adjust to such a change, when many of us are so familiar with a structured day at the office. However, it is important that we look after ourselves whilst also making the most of the current situation. Here at Casamona, many of our staff work from home where possible so we understand the challenges that come with it. Here are 5 tips we have for working from home and finding the perfect place to do so.

A perfect example of a bright workspace, which plenty of our Casamona properties offer
Have enough workspace
Normally, when going into the office, you would have a complete change of environment when going into work. This allows our brain to switch from home to work mode, so to speak. It is important to apply the same principle when working from home, especially on a regular basis. If possible, try to work in a different room of your house, like a spare office room for example. Try to find a comfortable place to sit, and although it is tempting, try to avoid sitting on the sofa. It can also be helpful to get everything you need in one place before you start – your laptop, pens, paper. All these small, yet important details are key to having a successful day working from home. In terms of finding a good property, one with plenty of rooms is recommended. For those of you renting properties, due to the current economic situation in Spain, Casamona offers many properties with more rooms for similar or lower prices than you may already be paying! Making it ideal to give you the flexibility to work from home. See here for your options!
Having the right space to stick to your schedule
It is very easy to get up and out of bed and dive right into work. This can cause blurred lines between work and personal time, causing stress from the start. If possible, try to follow your normal daily routine that you would have going into the office. This includes sleeping schedule, morning routine and lunch breaks. One tip is to allocate your ‘commute time’ to looking after yourself in the morning, maybe do some exercise or read, in the time it would normally take you to get to the office. It is also just as important to stop when your workday stops as it can be easy to get carried away. A schedule can really help this, as can having a lovely kitchen or balcony space, which many of our Casamona properties offer. Try to shut off your computer and finish everything off when you would leave the office. Having a schedule can give you some structure, helping to reduce stress and optimise your time.

Take a nice walk on one of Barcelona’s gorgeous sandy beaches
3. Finding the perfect location and taking breaks
Just as important as having a schedule, it is also important to have breaks. When your mind gets cluttered and overwhelmed it is easy to become stressed and unfocused. Listen to your body and take breaks when you feel they are needed. For many, working from home means staring at a laptop screen for hours, taking time away from your screen helps prevent headaches and straining your eyes. Therefore, it is key to be located in the perfect environment that you prefer. We have many properties located by the beach or by the city, check out our services page for ideas of local walks and wildlife.
4. Exercise
Looking after your body also helps you look after your mind. Exercising can be a great way to help if you are feeling stressed at home. Whether you exercise in the morning, go for a walk in your lunch break, or spend the evening doing yoga, looking after your body also looks after your mind. It can cause problems to be hunched over your desk all day, so working out can help a lot. It does not have to be an intense gym workout, even a short walk and getting some air can really help. On our website, we have descriptions for each area of the city, so put on a mask and go explore!
Stay connected
When working from home, you may start to feel trapped and disconnected from everyone else. It is important to try to stay connected to your friends, family, and colleagues. With social media, it is easier than ever to send an email or text but try to organise video or phone calls as well. Human interaction is vital for your mental wellbeing, so these minor changes can make working from home more manageable. It is important to try to stay connected to your friends, family, and colleagues, and remember that many are in the same boat so it is important to check up on your colleagues. Having a good strong internet connection is essential! Here as Casamona, we have many colleagues who work from home, and even some working remotely from the UK. Having fast internet is perfect for daily meetings. On our webpage, we have some tips and suggestions of which companies to choose from. And just remember, many of your colleagues are in the same boat, check up on each other and see how everyone is getting on. This can create a sense of community in these difficult times.

Many of us at Casamona work from home where possible
Although times are tough, it is important to remember that there are many people in the same position as you. By working from home, you are doing your part by helping to slow the spread of Coronavirus. Using these tips can make working from home more manageable. It is important to look after your mental and physical health, whilst also adjusting to new rules and changes to your normal routine.